自制操作系统(CoolOS) - Hello World





	[BITS 16]				; tell the assembler that its a 16 bit code
	[ORG 0x7c00]			; tells the assembler that where the code will

[BITS 16]用来告诉汇编器这是16位代码。因为该部分代码(第一扇区)在启动时会被读到内存的0x7c00处。[ORG 0x7c00]就是用来告诉汇编器,这部分代码将会被读取到内存0x7c00处。所以汇编器在将代码翻译成机器码,计算地址时就会按照0x7c00来进行计算。只有这样,接下来的代码才会正确执行。

接下来这段代码是标准FAT12格式软盘专用的代码 :

; Stand FAT12 format floppy code(Reference: http://wiki.osdev.org/FAT#FAT_12)
; BPB (BIOS Parameter Block)

	JMP		entry			; jump to entry
	DB		0x90			; NOP
	DB		" CoolOS "		; OEM identifier,must 8 bytes.
	DW		512				; The number of Bytes per sector
	DB		1				; Number of sectors per cluster.
	DW		1				; Number of reserved sectors.
	DB		2				; Number of File Allocation Tables (FAT's) on the storage media.(Often this value is 2)
	DW		224				; Number of directory entries.
	DW		2880			; The total sectors in the logical volume.
	DB		0xf0			; This Byte indicates the media descriptor type.
	DW		9				; Number of sectors per FAT.
	DW		18				; Number of sectors per track.
	DW		2				; Number of heads or sides on the storage media.
	DD		0				; Number of hidden sectors.
	DD		2880			; Large amount of sector on media.
	DB		0				; Drive number.
	DB		0				; Flags in Windows NT.
	DB		0x29			; Signature (must be 0x28 or 0x29).
	DD		0xffffffff		; VolumeID 'Serial' number.
	DB		"CoolOS     "	; Volume label string,must 11 bytes.
	DB		"FAT12   "		; System identifier string.must 8 bytest.

详细可参考 FAT - OSDev. 需要注意的是,上面的JMP entry指令必须在最前,因为如果没有这一条跳转指令,接下来的一连串DB都是伪指令,是不能被执行的。这就会导致entry后面的所有指令都执行不到,那么这个bootloader当然也就不能正常启动咯。


; Init the register
; BIOS have set CS to 0x0000,set IP to 0x7C00
; We need to init SS and SP
; There are almost 30 KiB at 0x00500~0x07BFF is guaranteed free for use,
; So,set SS to 0x0000,set SP to 0x7c00,when we first push (SP-2)
; Reference: http://wiki.osdev.org/Memory_Map_(x86)#Overview
; Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS#Boot_environment
	MOV		AX,0
	MOV		SP,0x7c00
	MOV		SI,msg			; Move the message to SI



	ADD		SI,1
	CMP		AL,0
	JE		fin				; Done!jump to fin
	MOV		AH,0x0e			; Display a character
	MOV		BX,15			; Color
	INT		0x10			; Bios video display.Reference: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0106.htm
	JMP		putloop

循环将每个字符放到AL中,然后将SI的值加一,移到下一个字符,然后设置AH为0x0e,并调用0x10中断(参考**[Interrupt Jump Table](http://www.ctyme.com /intr/rb-0106.htm)**),打印AL中的字符。一直到,AL中的值为0,即字符串打印结束。然后,跳转到fin进行无限循环。

; Infinite loop
	HLT						; Halt
	JMP		fin				; Loop


; Message
	DB		0x0a, 0x0a	    ; Two line feed
	DB		"************"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed.0x0d+0x0a==\n
	DB		"Hello World"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"This is CoolOS"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"Author: Cool"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"Blog: http://www.coolcodes.me"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"************"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		0				; End of String



	TIMES 510-($-$$) db 0   ; Fill the rest of sector with 0
	DB	0x55, 0xaa          ; Add boot signature at the end of bootloader

因为咋们上面的代码翻译成机器码后还不足512字节,所以剩下的需要用0来填,也就是TIMES 510-($-$$) db 0,这里的TIMES是伪指令(参考**NASM - 3.2.5 TIMES**),其实就是重复后面的指令或数据。这里就是重复db 0,重复多少次呢?重复510-($-$$)次。这里的$是指当前行行首的位置(相当于地址),而$$指当前section的位置(地址),在这里也就是整个代码的开始(参考**NASM - 3.5 Expressions**)。那么,$-$$也就是目前代码所占用的字节数。用510减去$-$$不就知道需要填多少0了。但注意到,上面是用510去减的,而不是512。因为最后两个字节不能为0。要想作为bootloader,需要最后两个字节为0x550xaa。不然,BIOS会认为不是这bootloader,它是不会尝试去执行上面的代码的。


; File: hello_world.asm
; Author: si9ma
; Blog: http://www.coolcodes.me
; Mode: 16 bits
; Syntax: NASM
; Function: Print a "hello" message on the screen when boot

	[BITS 16]				; tell the assembler that its a 16 bit code
	[ORG 0x7c00]			; tells the assembler that where the code will

; Stand FAT12 format floppy code(Reference: http://wiki.osdev.org/FAT#FAT_12)
; BPB (BIOS Parameter Block)

	JMP		entry			; jump to entry
	DB		0x90			; NOP
	DB		" CoolOS "		; OEM identifier,must 8 bytes.
	DW		512				; The number of Bytes per sector
	DB		1				; Number of sectors per cluster.
	DW		1				; Number of reserved sectors.
	DB		2				; Number of File Allocation Tables (FAT's) on the storage media.(Often this value is 2)
	DW		224				; Number of directory entries.
	DW		2880			; The total sectors in the logical volume.
	DB		0xf0			; This Byte indicates the media descriptor type.
	DW		9				; Number of sectors per FAT.
	DW		18				; Number of sectors per track.
	DW		2				; Number of heads or sides on the storage media.
	DD		0				; Number of hidden sectors.
	DD		2880			; Large amount of sector on media.
	DB		0				; Drive number.
	DB		0				; Flags in Windows NT.
	DB		0x29			; Signature (must be 0x28 or 0x29).
	DD		0xffffffff		; VolumeID 'Serial' number.
	DB		"CoolOS     "	; Volume label string,must 11 bytes.
	DB		"FAT12   "		; System identifier string.must 8 bytest.

; Boot Code

; Init the register
; BIOS have set CS to 0x0000,set IP to 0x7C00
; We need to init SS and SP
; There are almost 30 KiB at 0x00500~0x07BFF is guaranteed free for use,
; So,set SS to 0x0000,set SP to 0x7c00,when we first push (SP-2)
; Reference: http://wiki.osdev.org/Memory_Map_(x86)#Overview
; Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS#Boot_environment
	MOV		AX,0
	MOV		SP,0x7c00
	MOV		SI,msg			; Move the message to SI

	ADD		SI,1
	CMP		AL,0
	JE		fin				; Done!jump to fin
	MOV		AH,0x0e			; Display a character
	MOV		BX,15			; Color
	INT		0x10			; Bios video display.Reference: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0106.htm
	JMP		putloop

; Infinite loop
	HLT						; Halt
	JMP		fin				; Loop

; Message
	DB		0x0a, 0x0a	    ; Two line feed
	DB		"************"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed.0x0d+0x0a==\n
	DB		"Hello World"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"This is CoolOS"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"Author: si9ma"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"Blog: http://www.coolcodes.me"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		"************"
	DB		0x0d			; One carriage return
	DB		0x0a			; One line feed
	DB		0				; End of String

	TIMES 510-($-$$) db 0   ; Fill the rest of sector with 0
	DB	0x55, 0xaa          ; Add boot signature at the end of bootloader



# Author: si9ma
# Blog: http://www.coolcodes.me

# Img file we will use to boot

# detect architecture for qemu Smartly.
ifeq ($(shell uname -m),x86_64)

	dd if=/dev/zero of=$(IMG) count=2880 bs=512 	# Create a empty img file with size 2880*512 bytes
	dd if=hello_world.bin of=$(IMG) bs=512 conv=notrunc	# add hello_world.bin to the first sector of img file(use conv=notrunc)

	nasm -f bin -o hello_world.bin hello_world.asm

	make img			# Update img file firstly.
	$(QEMU) -drive file=$(IMG),if=floppy

	rm hello_world.bin $(IMG)



make run


最后,来看一下上面那段标准FAT12格式软盘专用的代码到底是干嘛的。 执行:

file CoolOS.img


CoolOS.img: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x3c+2, OEM-ID " CoolOS ", root entries 224, sectors 2880 (volumes <=32 MB), sectors/FAT 9, sectors/track 18, sectors 2880 (volumes > 32 MB), serial number 0xffffffff, label: "CoolOS     ", FAT (12 bit)


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